B.S. Tropical Horticulture, Univ. of Hawaii, Hilo, HI USA (1992)
Tomas has over 25 years of experience in the study and practice of landscape design and construction. While in Hawaii, he was meticulously instructed in geometry, draftsmanship, architecture, aesthetics, and learned practical horticulture, and construction through apprenticeship.
Eclectic by nature, his passion for design, construction, and the vivid arts stems from not only his educational background, but from his professional and personal experiences spanning a variety of thematic areas, countries, and cultures. His self-imposed challenge to give spatial expressions to philosophical ideas and to combine artifice with nature are seen throughout his works. From concept to work of art he is personally involved in every project.
B.S. International Relations, Univ. Del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina (1998)
Throughout her carrier, Viviana has occupied responsible positions in finance and administration, managing budgets and expenditures on an national scale giving her the skills and competencies needed in running a business entity. Thanks to her wide range of professional experiences she provides well-grounded advice on core issues and business solutions.
Passionate about Flora Tropica's mission, Viviana is engaged in all aspects of the design process with emphasis on managing quality control. Her interpersonal communication and analytical skills are particular assets she brings to the team.
© 2013 FLORA-TROPICA. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Designed and Developed by: RB